🛳️Pirate Ship NFT

Pirate Ship NFT APR Boost Utility

Pirate Ship NFT can boost the APR of the upcoming yield farming pools.

APR Boost Rate

◾️ Level 1 : 2% ◾️ Level 2 : 4% ◾️ Level 3 : 8% ◾️ Level 4 : 16%

ex) Sam deposits 100,000 USDT in the USDT pool with Level 3(8% APR Boost)equipped. Sam benefits from the NFT boost by 108,000 USDT.

The more fund you put in, the more benefit you can get from the NFT.

Pirate Ship NFT Upgrade Details

Pirate Ship NFTs can be upgraded to a higher level by consuming 1ea Level NFT and HOOK. All allocated upgrade fee will be burned for good.

HOOK for Upgrade

◾️ Level 1Level 2 : 1ea Level 1 + 20 HOOK ◾️ Level 2Level 3: 1ea Level 2 + 40 HOOK ◾️ Level 3Level 4: 1ea Level 3 + 80 HOOK

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